Job Opportunities after Distance MBA in India

Job Opportunities after Distance MBA in India

Master of Business Administration has huge job opportunities in the industry. The quality of education and skill sets acquired are most sought by the hirers.

The field of work varies with regard to the specialisation; however, one thing remains constant; MBA in any specialisation is required by the corporate.

Completing an MBA in distance mode of education has a lot of placement support from the Universities. The constant rigour in improving the skills required is also taken into consideration. MBA being an industry result-oriented study, it helps bridge the gap between the corporate and the best-fit employees.

Let's now see the specialisation specific job opportunities available in the country.

MBA - Marketing

Marketing is considered to be evergreen in any industry. Be it an IT company or FMCG, the marketing department is a prime part of the organisation. Candidates who hold an MBA in marketing have amazing job opportunities in various fields.

The list given below is commonly required by the industries.

Jobs After MBA Marketing Average Salary in INR Per Year
Marketing Manager 8.9 Lakhs
Business Development Manager 6.9 Lakhs
Area Sales Manager 8.3 Lakhs
Marketing Executive 3.4 Lakhs
Regional Sales Manager 10 Lakhs
Digital Marketing Manager 6.6 Lakhs
Relationship Manager 5.2 Lakhs

MBA - Finance

Finance is the key for an organisation. And more importantly ‘Cash is King’ for any business.

Holding an MBA in Finance is readily recruited by any organisation. With the advent of many financial norms by the Indian Government, the requirement of an able candidate is very crucial for an organisation.

Studying MBA in finance shall fetch you the jobs mentioned below.

Jobs After MBA Finance Average Salary in INR Per Year
Financial Analyst 5.1 Lakhs
Finance Manager 10 Lakhs
Senior Business Analyst 10 Lakhs
Senior Financial Analyst 5.9 Lakhs
Operations Manager 8 Lakhs
Relationship Manager 5.2 Lakhs

MBA - Hospital & Healthcare

This is apparently a new field of business which requires a lot of manpower.

This is the time you can grab this opportunity before it fades away.

Healthcare industry in India is booming fast and the requirement of skilled employees to manage several departments has become critical.

Below are the mentioned roles that you may be placed if you hold a MBA in hospital & healthcare management.

Jobs After MBA Hospital & Healthcare Average Salary in INR Per Year
Pharmaceutical Manager 6 Lakhs
Medical Practice Manager 5 Lakhs
Hospital CFO 15 Lakhs
Hospital CEO 15Lakhs
Product Manager 5 Lakhs
Hospital Operations Manager 7 Lakhs


Human Resources department in a company is the centrifugal force for an organisation.

This department has control over all the other departments.

The responsibilities required for this department is so much, that it requires HR professionals who have completed MBA in Human resources.

The number of jobs available is huge. Below are some of the crucial roles that you may land if you have an MBA in HR.

Jobs After MBA HR Average Salary in INR Per Year
Human Resources Manager 8.2 Lakhs
Operations Manager 9 Lakhs
Project Manager 10 Lakhs
Consultant – Manager 20 Lakhs
Recruitment Manager 10 Lakhs
Recruitment Executive 6 Lakhs

MBA - Finance & Accounting

There are many job requirements for accounting associates which cannot be filled by commerce graduates.

It requires management skills too.

Holding an MBA in Accounting and Finance will fetch you a lot of job opportunities.

Below mentioned are some of the prime positions if you have MBA in Accounting and Finance.

Jobs After MBA Finance & Accounting Average Salary in INR Per Year
Accountant 2.8 Lakhs
Financial Analyst 5 Lakhs
Finance Manager 9 Lakhs
Account Manager 6.4 Lakhs
Senior Accountant 4.3 Lakhs
Senior Financial Analyst 5 Lakhs

MBA - Business & Marketing

It is an amazing opportunity for candidates who hold this masters degree.

There is a huge requirement in the job market for business managers.

The everlasting need for marketing specialisation can be filled only by the candidates who have completed MBA in Business and Marketing.

Below are the excellent opportunities for you if possessing or pursuing MBA in Business and Marketing.

Jobs After MBA Business & Marketing Average Salary in INR Per Year
Business Development Manager 6.6 Lakhs
Marketing Manager 8.1 Lakhs
Regional Sales Manager 10 Lakhs
Area Sales Manager 7.5 Lakhs
Marketing Executive 4.1 Lakhs
Senior Business Analyst 8.5 Lakhs

MBA - Operations Management

Project handling and Project management is the prime need for many IT companies.

The roles offered, requires a prime candidate with skill sets to handle the team and execute the projects.

The companies are intensely looking for candidates who have an MBA degree in Operations Management.

Below are few of the prime roles that you may end up landing once you complete your MBA.

Jobs After MBA Operations Average Salary in INR Per Year
Operations Manager 10 Lakhs
Project Manager 10 Lakhs
General Manager 10 Lakhs
Vice President, Operations 30 Lakhs
Senior Project Manager 7.4 Lakhs
Business Analyst 6.7 Lakhs

MBA - Banking

Financial Institutions require a lot of manpower with dynamic MBA in place.

Banks are in continued need for able MBA candidates for right positions.

A wealthy and secured job is waiting for the candidates who have an MBA in Business and Banking.

Below are the prime job opportunities available in the banking business sector.

Jobs After MBA Banking Average Salary in INR Per Year
Relationship Manager 6 Lakhs
Operations Manager 7.4 Lakhs
Financial Analyst 3.5 Lakhs
Finance Manager 8.16L Lakhs
Business Analyst. IT 7.8 Lakhs
Credit Manager 5.1 Lakhs

MBA - Supply Chain Management

Project management is a huge role in any company.

This requires skill sets to maintain the balance in the organisation.

MBA in Operations and Supply chain Management is in huge demand in most of the companies all through the year.

If you are pursuing this specialisation in MBA or have completed MBA in Operations and Supply Chain Management, look at the job roles with their average annual salary.

Jobs After MBA Supply Chain Management Average Salary in INR Per Year
Supply Chain Manager 9 Lakhs
Logistics Manager 8.2 Lakhs
Operations Manager 8.6 Lakhs
Management Consultant 10 Lakhs
Procurement Manager 8.2 Lakhs
ERP Consultant 7.3 Lakhs

MBA - Financial Management

Any MBA on finance is a worthwhile investment to your career.

MBA in financial management is a specialised course for developing finance executives to fit into any organisation.

It is a wealthy job opportunity for most of the skilled MBA candidates with financial management as the specialisation.

Job After MBA Financial Management Average Salary in INR Per Year
Senior Financial Analyst 6.9 Lakhs
Financial Analyst 4 Lakhs
Finance Manager 10 Lakhs
Assistant Finance Manager 7.6 Lakhs
Team Lead – Finance 4 Lakhs
Finance Operations Manager 7.84 Lakhs

MBA - Information Technology

It is exciting to note that, IT industries are continually looking for MBA IS for many roles.

The good news is, the roles are getting filled but still it requires more man power.

If you have an MBA in Information systems, these are few of the jobs that you may land up in future.

Jobs After MBA IT Average Salary in INR Per Year
Senior Project Manager, IT 20 Lakhs
Senior Business Analyst 10 Lakhs
IT Director 30 Lakhs
Project Manager, IT 10 Lakhs
Project Manager 10 lakhs
Vice President, IT 30 Lakhs

MBA - International Business

It is exciting to note that, IT industries are continually looking for MBA IS for many roles.

The good news is, the roles are getting filled but still it requires more man power.

If you have an MBA in Information systems, these are few of the jobs that you may land up in future.

Jobs After MBA International Business Average Salary in INR Per Year
Senior Project Manager, IT 20 Lakhs
Senior Business Analyst 10 Lakhs
IT Director 30 Lakhs
Project Manager, IT 10 Lakhs
Project Manager 10 lakhs
Vice President, IT 30 Lakhs

The job roles are mentioned based on the top 10 requirements in the companies for the year 2019 and 2020. This requirement will prolong for the next 3 years. The average salary is the salary compared with 100 and more companies who offer these roles.

The only requirement is an MBA degree in the specific specialisation, and you are through. Of course, additional skill sets of good communication skills and decision-making ability is required. However, this shall be imbibed while you do the distance mode of MBA.